Thursday, December 02, 2004

why am i still awake?

for some reason, i cannot get myself to go to sleep at a decent hour. ugh. i wanted to give a "shout out" to my friends who are reading this. i didn't mean to be passive-aggressive in my last post--i seriously thought i was just humoring myself. :) i'm so glad you want to know what i'm you need to create a blog for me to read! :)

by the way, i'm not typing in caps tonight and you're all just gonna have to deal with it. i don't wanna.

so.......this is kind of a crazy week. we are starting our ra evaluation process, which is so good but takes a lot of time to do the paperwork on. in an impulsive moment tonight, i e-mailed my ra's and told them i'd buy pizza for the first hall to get all their evals done. since we do them online, i already have a hall that's done, so i will be buying pizza for them!

we had a fun program tonight called sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. my medics did it and it was great--they talked about drugs and addiction for a bit and then our health center director talked about sexual decision-making and we ended with an air guitar contest that i got to co-judge. very funny. oh, and there were lots of condoms to give away. which is kind of ironic since students can't cohabitate (which includes having sex) on campus. :)

yeah, that's about all in my life now. we have jan term ra training all day saturday, so i am a little concerned that this weekend won't be restful. mainly because i'll have to wake up before 8am.

oooh, i'll post my pics soon.

1 comment:

lalachan said...

Hey Ann!!! I just figured out how to do this comment thing..and I set up my own blog. Thanks for the inspiration...but I don't really have a clue as to what I am doing...

Check it out...