Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The last two days have been filled with completed and started tasks. Very exciting.

I started yesterday by getting a storage unit. The guy told me he was so convinced I could fit my belongings, if carefully packed, into a 10x5 unit that he'd help me pack it if it wouldn't all fit. It saved me $25 a month to get that size, so I did it. So far I've been pleased.

Yesterday afternoon, I went downtown to Auntie's Bookstore to "sell" back some books I don't want. Good for me getting rid of about 15 books. I realize that doesn't even put a dent in my books, but better to sell than move them! They took most of them, and with the $27.75 credit I got from them, I bought the new Anne Lamott book everyone's been talking about. I can't wait to start it.....after I finish rereading "Searching for God Knows What", which I don't think I grasped so I'm rereading it.

After Auntie's, I went to the used bookstore next to my favorite coffee shop to get rid of the rest of the books. I got about $17 credit there and only had to donate 2 books. Yay! Then, I had to get some coffee at the Rocket, of course, to celebrate my accomplishment. :)

Today, I made two trips to my storage unit with carloads of stuff. It is filling up nicely...I think I'll take a picture and post it so you can see how my jigsaw puzzle skills are coming in nicely with this packing.

Now I'm going out for a bit with Michelle, former student and now friend.

Here's to emptying my apartment!! Cheers!

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