Thursday, June 30, 2005


Well, I am moved out of my aparment. It has been a long 2 weeks of moving, but now it's done and I'm staying in my friend Kelli's apartment in beautiful McMillan Hall. I have been anticipating this change for so long that it's good that it's here. I think I'm going to make tomorrow "me" day so I can 1) relax and NOT MOVE ANYTHING and 2) reflect a bit on my time at Whitworth. It was a good 4 years.

I had some wonderful friends and some students help with the move and I really am so thankful for their help. I learned during this move that I do not like to ask for help. And I like to do things myself....partly so I don't have to ask for help, but also because I want to be capable of doing anything and everything.

I decided to give some online thanks to my helpers (even though you may not read my blog...hehe) until I get time to write thank you notes: Thanks first to Chelsea, who bought my armoire in May. It would have been the worst beast for us to move (and it was for her friends...thanks guys for moving it out of my apartment!). Thanks Nicole for helping me take those carloads Monday and for helping me play tetris with my storage unit. :) I appreciate you taking your free evening to help me out (and for making sure I asked for help! :) ). Thanks to Colin, Aden, Ryan, Tyler, and Angela for helping with the nasty task of moving my furniture and heavy big stuff. You guys (and gal) have great muscles and I am so thankful for your help. I could NOT have moved that stuff on my own, and thanks Colin for bringing your truck to save me money so I didn't have to get a U-Haul. And Denise, thanks for helping me make my last storage run and for helping me lug all my crap into the Mac apartment. Who knew I needed that much stuff to live on! Thanks for shifting our plans today so I could get that done. Oh, and I should also thank Alan and Dick for getting me an extra two weeks in Warren. So helpful. Although I was hoping to have a job and new aparment to move into....

OK, I'm off to bed in my "new home". Tomorrow Sandy and Nicole Miller come to town and I get to play with them!!! I'm so excited! Yay!

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