Thursday, June 30, 2005


Well, I am moved out of my aparment. It has been a long 2 weeks of moving, but now it's done and I'm staying in my friend Kelli's apartment in beautiful McMillan Hall. I have been anticipating this change for so long that it's good that it's here. I think I'm going to make tomorrow "me" day so I can 1) relax and NOT MOVE ANYTHING and 2) reflect a bit on my time at Whitworth. It was a good 4 years.

I had some wonderful friends and some students help with the move and I really am so thankful for their help. I learned during this move that I do not like to ask for help. And I like to do things myself....partly so I don't have to ask for help, but also because I want to be capable of doing anything and everything.

I decided to give some online thanks to my helpers (even though you may not read my blog...hehe) until I get time to write thank you notes: Thanks first to Chelsea, who bought my armoire in May. It would have been the worst beast for us to move (and it was for her friends...thanks guys for moving it out of my apartment!). Thanks Nicole for helping me take those carloads Monday and for helping me play tetris with my storage unit. :) I appreciate you taking your free evening to help me out (and for making sure I asked for help! :) ). Thanks to Colin, Aden, Ryan, Tyler, and Angela for helping with the nasty task of moving my furniture and heavy big stuff. You guys (and gal) have great muscles and I am so thankful for your help. I could NOT have moved that stuff on my own, and thanks Colin for bringing your truck to save me money so I didn't have to get a U-Haul. And Denise, thanks for helping me make my last storage run and for helping me lug all my crap into the Mac apartment. Who knew I needed that much stuff to live on! Thanks for shifting our plans today so I could get that done. Oh, and I should also thank Alan and Dick for getting me an extra two weeks in Warren. So helpful. Although I was hoping to have a job and new aparment to move into....

OK, I'm off to bed in my "new home". Tomorrow Sandy and Nicole Miller come to town and I get to play with them!!! I'm so excited! Yay!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The big moving day

Originally uploaded by schmann.
So, I SHOULD be disassembling my twin bed and packing up my TV right now instead of blogging, but I had to log on to print some resumes before I pack my printer and decided I should blog my news of the day. I broke my cell phone! Sadness. Yeah, not just the half of the flip that was loose since I dropped it in March. Nope, the whole thing broke today when it fell when I was moving a shelf. Ahhh! So I went to Best Buy and bought a cute new phone I've had my eye on. I'm trying out a new style with a keypad that slides up and down....hopefully it'll be good. Here's a pic of the old phone and the new one.

OK, now I REALLY must finish printing my resume and get my bed and TV ready for 5pm move time. Pray that the rain clears up so my nice wood furniture doesn't get ruined.


Originally uploaded by schmann.
This is a picture of my friend Keats crossing the finish line at the Ironman Couer d'Alene (a pretty major triathalon). He did an amazing job and finished in 10 hours 42 minutes, in the top 200 of 2000 participants. And this is his first Ironman!!

I didn't go to see him because of all the packing I had to do, but I think I will have to go next year. Even if there are 30,000 people there. I hate crowds.

Yay, Keats!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The last two days have been filled with completed and started tasks. Very exciting.

I started yesterday by getting a storage unit. The guy told me he was so convinced I could fit my belongings, if carefully packed, into a 10x5 unit that he'd help me pack it if it wouldn't all fit. It saved me $25 a month to get that size, so I did it. So far I've been pleased.

Yesterday afternoon, I went downtown to Auntie's Bookstore to "sell" back some books I don't want. Good for me getting rid of about 15 books. I realize that doesn't even put a dent in my books, but better to sell than move them! They took most of them, and with the $27.75 credit I got from them, I bought the new Anne Lamott book everyone's been talking about. I can't wait to start it.....after I finish rereading "Searching for God Knows What", which I don't think I grasped so I'm rereading it.

After Auntie's, I went to the used bookstore next to my favorite coffee shop to get rid of the rest of the books. I got about $17 credit there and only had to donate 2 books. Yay! Then, I had to get some coffee at the Rocket, of course, to celebrate my accomplishment. :)

Today, I made two trips to my storage unit with carloads of stuff. It is filling up nicely...I think I'll take a picture and post it so you can see how my jigsaw puzzle skills are coming in nicely with this packing.

Now I'm going out for a bit with Michelle, former student and now friend.

Here's to emptying my apartment!! Cheers!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Apartment Hunting

So, my friend Jillian and I went looking for Spokane apartments for ourselves today. Neither of us has a job but we both wanted to know what was available in case we end up living here. I learned that rent has gone up a TON since I last rented. In 1997, my roommates and I had a nearly new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, with washer/dryer for only $755 a month. A similar 1 bedroom is around $650 a month. I realize I don't live in SF anymore, but I think Spokane and SF have similar cost of living. Ahh!! I may have to find a roommate or else live in a 1 bedroom, which is FINE, but I have 2 beds, so I'd have to get storage for my extra bed. Small problem. And I wanted to have extra space for guests, which I wouldn't have in a 1 bedroom. I guess now isn't about what I WANT but what I can AFFORD. And maybe my salary will be enough for me to get a 2 bedroom. Or maybe the place I move will have more options....who says I'll for sure be in Spokane!

On the flip side, it feels good to have an idea of where I could live if I'm here. I also have made some good major progress on my packing. I have now packed all of my books (about 11 boxes worth...and that's after I sorted out what I'm selling to Auntie's and the ones I'll work on reading this summer). I also have replaced all of the knobs on my kitchen cabinets to the original gold ones. My next step is to tackle more of my kitchen so those drawers and cabinets get emptied (I'm about halfway but have exactly 38 cabinets in there to empty...which I know because I had to put back 38 knobs).

No news on jobs. Last week, I got a rejection letter from WSU Vancouver for the Student Involvement Coordinator. I didn't really want the job or feel qualified, so I think that's ok, though it would have been nice to work only 5 minutes from Bill and Joy! My friend Dayna said she used to hang her rejections on her door, so I have hung the letter on my fridge and will add any others I may receive. :)

OK, off to do a little more packing or reading. That's pretty much what I do every day!

Monday, June 13, 2005

graduation 2!

Originally uploaded by schmann.
My friend Aden graduated from Mt. Spokane HS on Friday. Yay! Here's a pic of us after the ceremony.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Rose City

Originally uploaded by schmann.
Well, I just got back from Portland/Vancouver on Thursday. I had such a good time! I love that area! We went to the Rose Gardens on Saturday. This flower was my favorite. It wasn't called "Pollack" (as in Jackson, the artist), but Joy and I thought it should have been.

Highlights of the trip:
*the rose gardens
*dinner with Michelle and Erin on 23rd
*church at Imago Dei
*seeing Star Wars 3
*lunch with Nicole at Cup and Saucer on Hawthorne
*spending time with Tami Renner, a friend from high school and college
*riding the light rail into downtown
*good conversations about meaningful things
*going to Wednesday night youth group with Bill and Joy

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Just a brief update. I got the "ok" to stay in my apartment for a little longer, so instead of June 15th, I now won't need to move out until June 30. Yay! I would love to have a job and apartment by then but realize I may not, so I have a sort-of back-up plan for after that and if it doesn't work to be in Spokane, I'll head to Oregon. The good thing is that I don't need to rush through my packing--the original plan meant I needed to get most of my packing done yesterday and today because I'm gone for a week and then come back to a very busy weekend the 9-11th.

If I sent you an e-mail update on my info, you can modify it to show that my current apartment phone number will be in tact until the 30th. It's a better way to reach me than my cell phone because I don't always answer my cell during "anytime" minutes since I don't have a ton of minutes...I've got to sign up for a better plan now that it may be my only phone.

Well, I must do some packing. I am leaving for Vancouver bright and early tomorrow morning. Nicole and I are going to see Bill and Joy (and hopefully Brad) for the weekend and then she is heading to ACSD and I'm going to stay in Vancouver for most of the week to spend a little time with my friend Tami Renner, who is going to be there. Fun times! A bunch of the Whitworth crew will be at ACSD so I hope to get to hang with them next week for an afternoon.

Off to pack!