Friday, March 10, 2006

"snow day"

It has been snowing here since Wednesday night. Which for me and where I work and my commute means it's just wet. But it's a big deal here...the hills are high enough that it's accumulating and slick for some. I got to slide slush from my car yesterday--it had accumulated a bit overnight. So it was a fun day know when it's just snowing all day and you aren't worried about it being icy so you just enjoy and want to be all cozy with a hot beverage and a book? That was yesterday.

And today I am getting a sort of snow day. Not because of the weather, though. I was pretty emotionally wiped this week because work was very crazy and I worked a lot of extra hours last week. So at lunch Wednesday, I decided I needed to take a day off to recouperate. I love that my bosses are so accommodating and let me take today off at such short notice. So this is a day devoted to me, whatever I want. I already slept in until 7:45 and then made coffee and breakfast. And I just got online to check movie times in case I want to go see a matinee. Who knows what else this day devoted to me will hold! :)

Well, I'm off to enjoy my day!

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