Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Good news: I am making progress on getting rid of clutter. It helps to have a former student coming to stay with me tonight which means I had to get all my new sweaters off my bed.

I now have 5 boxes of items to donate to Goodwill when I have time (ha, what's that?). So I counted my shoe donation. I am donating approximately 20 pair of shoes. Twenty. 2-0. That's a lot of shoes that I don't really wear or want that have been taking up space in my life. But guess how many pair I still have in my closet. 40. Forty. 4-0. What? And I actually wear all of these shoes. There are the birkenstocks that I've had for ages but don't wear very often, the sneakers I wear twice a week, the sandals that are for beach days and sunbathing only, flip-flops for slipping on as I trek around the building, my black and white shoes that are just like Sandy's and the reason we are soul friends, my Puma collection that I have started...the list could go on.

What can I say? I need variety! Is that bad for me to have 40 shoes? I have a shoe addiction.

OK, I must go back to some cleaning before I head to the airport to pick up Karen. Woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'll go up and count my shoes....I know it won't be 40...but it could be close!!! Maybe that shoe addiction is inherited...mother passes trait to daughter??!!