Friday, May 25, 2007

i am...

...going to bend this weekend to visit brad one last time

...glad brad is moving to p-town in july

...listening to old REM (memories)

...really really tired. it has been a long week and i just barely beat our benchmark for attendance.

...pleased with my application process for senior coach--what's meant to be will be

...pale and needing a tan

...enjoying the spring weather

...excited for my brother to move into his first home this weekend

...thinking about moving to portland instead (aka expanding my search)

...still moving into the condo in v-town if p-town doesn't work tired

...irritated with my upstairs neighbors dropping things, scratching chairs on the floor, etc but i think they are nice people and so i just live with it

...thinking next week is going to be even busier at work...and not sure how i will get everything done. good thing i have a few days before the time is here. :)

...a fan of chipotle veggie burgers. yum, yum. thanks, joy

...regularly attending my home community on thursday nights and not irritated by being around conservative christians anymore.

...almost fully separated from the negative affects whitworth had on my spirituality

...starting fresh with God

...excited for my cousins who are having babies and graduating and stuff

...STILL trying to finish harry potter...sometimes tv calls my name at night instead

...hoping you all are having a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

funniest ever

this may be the funniest moment from the office yet. michael's falsetto makes me cry i'm laughing so hard.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Hills

Originally uploaded by schmann.
a few weeks ago, our campus had "spirit week" at work during registration, just to change things up a bit. on "twin day", a couple of us dressed as the ladies on "the hills" because, well, Sam and I love it. here are me, Sam, and April, glamming out. you know you want our autographs. :)

3 shots

so, my dentist adventure wasn't too exciting, but i'll blog about it anyway. so, i first went to my dentist several weeks ago after being recommended to his office by several of my coworkers. and by "several" i mean, like 6 or 7. it is on the 5th floor of our building which is quite convenient. when i got there, i was shocked. none of these coworkers, who are all females, mentioned the fact that the dentist is young and attractive. maybe that's not noteworthy in portland where everyone seems to be artsy or attractive. but my dentists have always been middle-aged, kind, and parental (cue the SNL theme song to "Middle Age Man!"), so it's worth noting.

so my attractive dentist gave me two shots in my jaw and the bottom of my mouth wasn't really getting numb. i came in paranoid because the last filling i got was in spokane and i could actually feel the drilling through the novacane. so i was a little leery and told my attractive dentist about this and asked how numb i was actually supposed to feel. my lip didn't feel numb, so i had to get a third shot to numb myself up. i was still terribly nervous, which is weird because i have had a ton of work done on my mouth, metal shoved in, wires sticking out, etc., but that last filling really threw me. so at one point, attractive dentist said "can you feel that" and when i said a sort of huh-uh, he said, "you can relax your fingers then". i am a totally high-strung dental patient now.

all this happened and made me forget i even was getting over a cold, so i didn't even think about coughing. i'm sure my muscles were so tense in my throat that a cough wouldn't even have been able to come out.

so, my mouth was numb until 1pm that day and today my jaw is still sore. lucky me!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


ok, so the best thing to do when you are stressed is unload it around someone who can help you do something about it. good thing my 8:30 appt was with my manager who could coach me. so i have learned today that i need to learn how to manage my stress better.

this weekend is going to be great. brad and nic are coming to visit to celebrate belated nic b-day. fun will be had by all. i think it's medicine a doctor would prescribe for my lingering cold. that and sleeping in my own bed instead of bill & joy's futon. that may be a hard one for me to say "no" to, though.

check back soon for possible funny stories about me getting cavities filled by a hot dentist while trying hard not to cough for an entire hour. tomorrow morning could be an adventure.

Monday, May 07, 2007

here we go again...

well, i went to bed about 30 minutes ago. but i couldn't sleep. right now i am so stressed out i can't sleep. if i didn't have an interview (for the next level up job, which i'm not sure i want or am ready for but felt like i had to apply now or else wait a year) and my 1-year review tomorrow, i would call in sick for a mental health day. i'm sure these two things tomorrow are contributing to my stress, but they're not all of it.

i actually was sick last week, stayed home for a day, and i am pretty sure it was caused by stress. and my sickness is still lingering and i'm guessing it's because i only took 1 day off. problem is, my stress would be much greater if i had taken another day off because i'd be more behind than i already am.

anyway, nothing any of you can do about this--i need to deal with it on my own. i just couldn't sleep and thought i'd jump online and look up some advice on stress management/jobs. and thought i'd blog to get some of the emotion out. thanks for listening!