Friday, May 25, 2007

i am...

...going to bend this weekend to visit brad one last time

...glad brad is moving to p-town in july

...listening to old REM (memories)

...really really tired. it has been a long week and i just barely beat our benchmark for attendance.

...pleased with my application process for senior coach--what's meant to be will be

...pale and needing a tan

...enjoying the spring weather

...excited for my brother to move into his first home this weekend

...thinking about moving to portland instead (aka expanding my search)

...still moving into the condo in v-town if p-town doesn't work tired

...irritated with my upstairs neighbors dropping things, scratching chairs on the floor, etc but i think they are nice people and so i just live with it

...thinking next week is going to be even busier at work...and not sure how i will get everything done. good thing i have a few days before the time is here. :)

...a fan of chipotle veggie burgers. yum, yum. thanks, joy

...regularly attending my home community on thursday nights and not irritated by being around conservative christians anymore.

...almost fully separated from the negative affects whitworth had on my spirituality

...starting fresh with God

...excited for my cousins who are having babies and graduating and stuff

...STILL trying to finish harry potter...sometimes tv calls my name at night instead

...hoping you all are having a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

a new blog! I check often - and am so very excited when i see some new thoughts/feelings of yours :) kinda a stalker, I know. Have so much fun with brad - I am super jealous of the fun that will be had by you two. rest up and take good care :) love, katie w.

Rev. Tammy said...

Good stuff.

I would venture a guess that you had a great weekend.

Did you know that you can link this blog to your facebook site, then, even if you do nothing else, you can update your facebook site. I believe this blog feeds into the notes section... you can check it out on mine. I stumbled across it and have found it to be a great extra perk.

Anyhoo... take good care!