Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Snow Day

Snow Day 1
Originally uploaded by schmann.
Today was a snow day. Or, for me, a Work-from-Home day. It only snowed about 3 inches, but here that's the equivalent of when it snows about 10 inches in SF. You should see the video online of cars that just can't stop. I'm thankful my manager called and told me to work from home--I didn't want to try getting over the bridges to get to work. I didn't even know it had snowed 'til I turned on the news to check the traffic.

I have to say I'm very thankful for this job. My last job, I would've been expected to come in to work. And it's in a hilly area that ended up being closed down because the roads were so bad. I'd have been stranded and likely my car would be smashed. Yay for a different job!

I did spend record minutes on the phone today, so I was very very productive. And thank goodness for Instant Messenger--most of my coworkers were working from home, but we still could talk to one another over IM.

Anyway, here's a pic from my patio. It's my car, though you wouldn't know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks like a SD snowy morning!!! Reminded you of back home, & also made you thankful that you don't see it very often....right??!!