Tuesday, May 23, 2006


...I got a new job. yeah, didn't think it would happen. but it did. someone who had no connection to any of my friends or colleagues or my previous schools actually recognized my education and abilities and hired me. and offered me more money than i'm making now. what? there is hope in this world.

shhhhh....i don't tell my boss until tomorrow morning. i'll post more details after that terribly difficult conversation. i have to give them less than 2 weeks notice, which is legal in oregon, i guess. i could legally call tomorrow morning and say i'm done, never coming back....but i am not that type of person, so i will instead have a conversation that will give me ulcers.

gotta go make a game-plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?!!! That's great... congrats... I'm curious to know more. So far phone tag isn't working well huh?

Anyway, I'm excited for you and will be praying through the process for ya.