Wednesday, May 24, 2006

my new job...

This is a link to the new company I will be working for. I will be a Success Coach. When I first applied, I was not sure what to expect from this company because their site and lingo is very corporate feeling. However, the two people I interviewed with were very personable and knew a lot about student development and issues of college students. I got the opportunity (ha!) to do some role-playing in the interviews (including feedback from them) that showed me the values they hold and goals they have. My interview was a lot like the interviewing we did at Whitworth for Resident Assistants, which says a lot about how important hiring good people is to them.

So you can check out the site to get info if you'd like. Basically, I will be working with a ton (like 70 or 80) first year students at one specific school. We'll have regular conversations in which we'll discuss their lives, how they are doing in classes, socially, emotionally, etc. and I'll be helping them with time management and basically helping them to succeed. It's the stuff I loved doing as a Resident Director. I don't know exactly what this will look like because it's all done over the phone from a call center they are developing in Portland. Interesting, huh? Phone one-on-ones. And it works...check out the web site for the impact they've had on schools.

InsideTrack : Company Background

Just wanted to post this until I get a chance to send an e-mail out. Wanted to keep you updated. :)


Anonymous said...

This sounds like something that's just the right type of work for you...You will do well with those students. Congrats!!!

lalachan said...

Woo!! Ann!!
I am so excited for you!! The job totally sounds right up your alley!!!!! is my secret crush boyfriend, Don Miller, doing?