Thursday, May 05, 2005


Today was a good day, and I just felt the need to blog that since yesterday was a little melancholy.

I had coffee with the other RDs, a couple of one-on-ones with RAs that I like (which isn't tough since I like them all!! :) ), and I even took a nap. Then I went shopping with Brad (who is in town for a wedding), Aden, and Evan. Then I finally got to go to Blended Family Dinner at Dayna's. I haven't been there since like March. I have really missed it. It is such a place of belonging and I love it and it was so good to be there. We laughed so hard while playing Taboo. It's funny what you say under pressure.

Tomorrow may be a good day, too! I don't have any scheduled meetings until noon. Then at 1, my friend Denise and I are going to Gonzaga to look at art. I love spending time with Denise. She is one of the reasons I care about the world and the environment and feminism.

After we look at art (and probably sip some tea), it will be time to set-up for the Warren End of the Year BBQ! Yay! Always a fun event. It rained on us last year and we got soaked and it was a blast....I kind of hope it rains again! Ok, maybe not.

Now I'm going to relax a bit before I go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi...just a note to let you know I enjoy your blogs. So good for keeping in closer touch with you & your life. Love & prayers from Mom