Thursday, March 15, 2007

Real Adulthood

I was reading a friend's blog and realized I have been neglecting again. Fortunately, I actually have something happening in life to blog!

A few months ago, one of my students started coaching me during our meetings on home ownership. I had mentioned that I was toying with the idea of buying a condo or something, so every time we met, after we checked in on his "Action Items" from the week before and chatted, he eventually switched roles with me and coached me. He kept telling me to just get preapproved so that I knew what I could look for. So, finally, I decided to do it. I was scared, but I did it. So last weekend, since I knew my budget, I went with Brad, Bill & Joy and checked out a couple of places. I fell in love with one and ended up putting an offer on it Tuesday night. Sadly, they accepted someone else's offer, but the good news is I am working with a realtor to find something that will work for what I want and my budget. I met with my potential lender today who had preapproved me and learned some more of my options and how I could increase my loan amount to get something nicer possibly. So I'll keep y'all posted here if/when I find something. The good news is, I'm becoming a "Real Adult", as one of my old RAs used to say.

I also have started attending a Home Community through Imago Dei church. I don't actually attend the church, but I started going to the group because of Bill & Joy's continual invitation. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm not sure if I'll actually start attending Imago...I may go to a different church instead...but I don't think that will make a difference for me attending the group.

Well, I'm off to make some dinner and watch The Office (best show ever).

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