Monday, March 19, 2007

hooray for eBay

I am preparing for an upcoming, yet-to-be-scheduled move to a condo or something and decided I should go through my stuff that I haven't used since I moved to Portland. So I have a million books, and a bunch are old textbooks I don't really need. So I decided to sell/donate some to Powells City of Books (largest bookstore in the world, maybe) and then I had a bunch their website said they wouldn't accept, so I though, huh, maybe I should try to sell them on If you are not a current college student or haven't been in recent years, you probably don't know that this is a fabulous website where people sell books and stuff for cheap. So I posted 10 books on the site (the only 10 that would make the walk to the Post Office and the purchase of a box and postage worth). I already sold 1 !! It may be the only one I sell, but I listed it at $15 and I'll get most of that to me. So I would highly recommend trying to sell stuff online. I'm trying to post a floppy drive on eBay ('s parent company) but can't seem to make it work. Still, I am thinking this is a great way to make some cash on things that are worth more than a drop-off at Goodwill.

If anyone needs any books on Christian Ed, theology, or any Shakespeare books, I can't sell them to any stores and I'd give them to you for free. Just ask me what they are and I'll send you a list. If you want any, I'll send them your way (I'll even pay postage if it means I get them off my hands and don't have to move them!).

1 comment:

Rev. Tammy said...

Great plan... getting rid of stuff. Thanks for the updates, it's good to know you're stepping out there and going to head into this whole new adventure of home ownership. It's really a lot of fun; yes there are insane moments, but it feels very rewarding.