Sunday, February 28, 2010

i want to live (or at least vacation) here


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

jewish quotes

"receive with simplicity all that happens to you." -rashi

"in the world to come, i shall not be asked, "why were you not Moses?" i shall be asked, "why were you not zusya?" -rabbi zusya


Breaking News

I love it when IBBB goes semi-serious.
Breaking News: King Tut Died of Malaria… | ImBringingBloggingBack

funny timing

just talked to a friend about being paranoid and anxious and OCD.  God has a nice sense of humor.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


i love this.  so subtle.

Monday, February 15, 2010







Pumpkin-Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

These are really good, and not too bad for you. I recommend following the first commenter's modification, which I did: halve the butter amount and increase pumpkin. I used 1/2 c. butter and 1 can (about 1.5 c) pumpkin and omitted the nuts (i didn't try the whole wheat flour; maybe next time).
Pumpkin-Oatmeal Raisin Cookies - All Recipes

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


from the beginning of a chapter in a book I was reading.  it spoke to me.  glad to not be feeling like this about work.

I wanted to be a rain salesman,
carrying my satchel full of rain from door to door,
selling thunder, selling the way air feels after a downpour,
but there were no openings in the rain department,
and so they left me dying behind this desk - adding bleeps
subtracting chunks - and i would give a bowl of wild blossoms,
some rain, and two shakes of my fist at the sky to be living.

-John Engman, "Work"

We Feel Fine

We Feel Fine / by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar

Making a Name

My friend wrote a blurb for Rolling Stone *dot* com!

Wilco Rock With Peter Buck, Cover Neil Young at Portland Show : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily