Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Madrigals Christmas

I'm sitting in my apartment, paying bills and listening to Christmas music. My Madrigals CD has been on for a bit. I have two, and I love them for different reasons, both having to do with the people singing. I am getting sappy and homesick, and listening to my fab friends' voices makes me look forward to possibly seeing a couple of them when I come home in a week. A week! Yes, 1 week from Tuesday I fly to Minneapolis. I'm excited to be home. I have a lot to do first, but I'm excited. I think I finished all my shopping this weekend, so now I can focus on packing and cleaning because Brad is staying with me right before I leave.

This enneagram 9 is pretty proud of her motivation and progress this weekend. I have been very busy. Bill & Joy and I visited another church today and it was nice. I'm not sure where I'll end up, but it has been good to do a little searching. It's hard to go to church alone. I'm glad they've let me tag along.

I spent this morning doing some reflection and sending good vibes to the southwest. My work friend Emily from San Fran was in Hawaii running in an AIDS marathon this morning and several of us in P-town signed up to do something for an hour to honor her and encourage her from afar. I signed up for an hour I thought I'd be in church but then ended up going earlier, so I devoted my whole morning to thinking of her. In church, the focus of advent was joy, so I was thinking of the joy of finishing, accomplishing, helping, and the joy of the people whose lives will be touched by her efforts. I also thought of cleansing and washing and healing (words in the songs we sang) and thought of those with AIDS. We all could do more to help this issue. I am drawn to my former student Jena's work with Blood Water Mission, but I also wonder what we can be doing here at home. I guess the key is "Do Something."

Well, those were some random thoughts on my Sunday. :)

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