Friday, October 06, 2006

My team!

Originally uploaded by schmann.
This is a picture my team and I put together in a whirlwind yesterday afternoon. Our ACD (aka manager) and others are having an affirmation time today during their retreat in San Fran so we put this together for her. I think we are also going to be doing a rap for her at 1:00. I was on the phone while that planning went down, but it should be funny. Anyway, isn't my team cute? We enjoy each other a lot and had fun putting this together!


Rev. Tammy said...

Yay! New posts! I'm always excited to learn all that's going on in your life these days. Thanks for giving me a window! Take care!

Rev. Tammy said...

Hey... I appreciate the updates on your myspace blog... it keeps me updated to know you're alive and well and thinking. :-)