Friday, February 10, 2006


Whew! It's been a while since I posted something. Sorry to any of you regular listeners. :)

My life hasn't been too exciting. Last Thursday, J & B & I went to a Mute Math concert. They're an indie group that has been featured in Relevant. It was a pretty small venue, so it was a fun concert. They sound like The Police, and the lead singer/keyboardist plays a keytar, so that was a trip. Welcome back to the 80's. I'd highly recommend going, and if you like the music, buy the CD at the show because as I have sadly discovered, it's not available in stores yet. Just their EP that was released a while ago is available, and it only has 6 songs.

Um, other than that, I've been working a bunch because it was "rent week" (aka the week everyone comes in to pay rent) so I didn't get out of here at 5 ever. Last weekend I watched the Superbowl at J & B's. We were disappointed that the commercials were pretty lame (since when do they advertise for TV shows and movies during the superbowl??!!). Brad is coming to visit this weekend, so it should be full of adventure and laughter.

Hope all is well for anyone reading this!

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