Tuesday, July 21, 2009


If we are seriously talking about the clothing of our president instead of real news? We need to stop acting like our president is George Clooney. Who cares what he wears; what matters is how he leads our country.

The Buzz Log - Obama on Mom Jeans: "They're Comfortable" - Yahoo! Buzz

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Buffy vs Edward (Twilight Remixed)

This is funny. I just started watching Buffy for the first time and like it much more than the Twilight books / movies.

Buffy vs Edward (Twilight Remixed)

(team Jacob!)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

heal the world

mock me if you want, but these were 2 of my favorite MJ songs of all time. i don't necessarily think they're his best, but i love them.

MJ Memorial: We are the World + Heal the World

and for the record, if i was on the stage, i'd be the white kid with no rhythm and oblivious to my lack of rhythm.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Does Birth Order Shape Our Personalities?

If I do a PhD, this is one thing I may want to study. I have been fascinated with the concept of Birth Order impacting our personality for years - ever since I worked with an RA team with 5 first borns.

Does Birth Order Shape Our Personalities? - DivineCaroline